The Royal British Legion – Curry Rivel Drayton & Fivehead


About Us

This year marked the centenary of the Curry Rivel, Drayton and Fivehead Branch of The Royal British Legion.
We help members of the Royal Navy, British Army and the Royal Air Force, veterans and their families all year round. We also campaign to improve their lives, organize the annual Poppy Appeal and remember The Fallen.
Membership is open to all who served in the Armed Forces – Regular and Reserve, the Merchant Marine and those people in sympathy with the objectives of the Legion.
Membership costs £18.50 per annum. Details can be obtained from our Membership Secretary, Gordon Balmer, on or by speaking to him on 01460 281578.

Events for 2018

The Branch has a programme of social events for members and non-members to raise money for
the two Royal British Legion homes in Somerset.
Sunday 11 November 2018 Remembrance Lunch in Curry Rivel Village Hall, inviting as our guests those Service personnel and their families who live amongst us.

Events for 2019

Saturday 23rd March 2019Spring Lunch at 12.30pm at Fivehead Village Hall. Tickets £12.50 each available from Committee members. 

Members of the Branch’s General Committee





Community Support


Poppy Coordinator



Col (Retd) Tony Potter

Lt Cdr Andy Anderson RNR

Maj (Retd) Rob Atkins

Mrs Sue Willis

Mr Bob Willis

Mrs Suzie Potter

Mr Neil Coombes

01458 251280

01458 897297

01458 253008

01458 250772

01458 250772

01458 251280

01458 251249