Message from the Parish Council – distribution of Community Matters newsletter

Postal and other forms of parcel deliveries are still permitted under current guidance and Public Health England (PHE) has advised that people receiving letters and parcels are not at risk of contracting the coronavirus, these types of viruses don’t survive long on objects, such as letters or parcels.
The Parish Council is using the website, village email and a variety of social media channels to try to support and inform the community. We are aware, however, that not all parishioners have internet access or access to smartphone technology. It is important that these parishioners are not excluded from access to support or information about how to get it.
We are aware that even in “normal“ times, social isolation of some parishioners happens and this will be exacerbated by the current situation, especially amongst those do not have access to the technological channels that most of us enjoy.
We are limiting house to house messaging to those which are most essential whilst observing social distancing protocols when deliveries have to take place. We feel the newsletter is an important means enabling us to communicate with parishioners who may not have access to other communication channels.
We continue to review official guidance and we will, of course, comply with any changes.
Kate Beacham
on behalf of Fivehead Parish Council.
2 April 2020