We are pleased to inform all residents of Fivehead (and our surrounding area) that Fivehead now has two fully operational (and registered with the Ambulance service) defibrillators.
These are placed at the Fivehead Garage (on the main road) and in our village Phone Box. The defibs are manufactored by defibtech and are called Lifeline View – click here more details.
We (Bruce Ferguson, Mary Braddock & Adrian Clark) will be running a defib familiarisation session on Tuesday 26th April @ 6pm in the village pub, The Crown Inn. Numbers will be limited to 20 people, so please let us know if you would be interested in attending this session. Please email: adrian.clark1962@gmail.com
The formal accredited training session will be run by Community Heartbeat on Monday 20th June @ 6pm, again in the village pub. The session will last about 2 hours and all attendees will need to provide their name and email address to receive a Certificate of Attendance. We have 50 spaces available, so please contact us ASAP to reserve your space.
Finally, the Defib Team would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this project, from initial fundraisers to local business supporters and donors.