Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Current registers for Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals are held at St. Martin’s Church, Fivehead and can be viewed by contacting one of the Churchwardens to arrange an appointment.
All other church records of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths are kept at the Somerset Archive and Local Studies Office, in the Somerset Heritage Centre, Brunel Way, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton, TA2 6SF. These can be viewed by making an appointment on 01823-337600. For further enquiries ring 01823-278805.
Barry Knox, a Fivehead resident, has undertaken extensive research of church and graveyard burial records in the Parish. He can be contacted here.
In addition to the above, a considerable amount of research into Births, Marriages, Deaths has been undertaken by Sarah Hawkins, not just for Fivehead, but for a number of parishes in the south Somerset area. Her website can be found here
Sarah can be contacted here.