7.30pm Monday 15th March 2021
- 20/03631/S73 | Allow change to siting of the three dwellings, minor changes to internal layout and elevations and amended landscaping scheme. | Glendale Butchers Hill Fivehead Taunton TA3 6PD
(please note this is following publication of an updated plan)
- 21/00268/FUL | The erection of 4 bungalows | Plots 1-4 Land Opposite The Old Manse, Stillbrook Lane, Fivehead Taunton TA3 6QH
(please note this is an entirely new application for this site)
- Parish Council meeting – members of the public are welcome to remain online for this meeting, where the Council will vote on the two planning items. These are the only two items to be discussed. The agenda will be published in the usual way, online (fivehead-village.org.uk/category/parish-council-agenda), on the Village notice board, via Village email and social media platforms.
Due to emergency operating conditions, the meeting will be held online.
To log in, go to the zoom website, www.zoom.us and select ‘Join’. Enter the meeting ID and passcode:
The meeting ID is: 832 7445 9536 The passcode is: 658549
You can also ‘tune in’ by phone: 0203 901 7895 Please let the Clerk know beforehand if you are using this method.
If you would like to speak at the meeting, please email: fiveheadpc@gmail.com by Friday 12th Mar.
*Please note: if you have not used zoom before, please familiarise yourself with using it before the meeting, via the tutorial on the zoom website under ‘resources’.
Please express your views by writing to the Planning Dept. including the reference numbers for the applications:
Planning Department, SSDC
The Council Offices
Brympton way
Yeovil Somerset BA20 2HT
Please call 01935 462462 for a copy of the plans.
Everyone is encouraged to express their views via the South Somerset District Council Planning webpage: www.southsomerset.gov.uk/services/planning/search-for-a-planning-application
Holding a meeting online – guidance to assist everyone to have their say:
- The Clerk (Jayne Parsons) is enabling the online meeting, through the Chair (Kate Beacham)
- Due to time constraints, each speaker will be asked to keep their comments to 3 minutes. Please email the Clerk (fiveheadpc@gmail.com ) if you require a slot.
- Please keep yourself on ‘mute’ when not speaking, this will keep bandwidth use to a minimum and remove background noise.
- It is not possible to hear if more than one person speaks, so we would request you use the ‘chat’ function to Jayne Parsons (Clerk) or ‘click’ the raise hand icon if you wish to speak.
- With multiple users on zoom, every screen is not visible at once, so you may be missed if you physically raise your hand to speak – please use the above methods to attract the attention of the Clerk.
- The meeting will be recorded for accuracy and handled under the correct GDPR rules.
- Planning matters can be emotive; please treat everyone with respect and listen to what is being said.