PC Minutes

quill  DRAFT Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of a meeting of the Fivehead Parish Council

held at the Village Hall, Stowey Road Fivehead

on Monday 4th August  2014 at 8.30pm.


Present   Mr M Cavill (Chairman)   Mrs K  Beacham   Mrs N Cameron Mrs L Jull   Mrs L Howard         Mr K Male   Mr J Westworth   C. Cllr. D Yeomans  (part)  and Mrs M Knox (Clerk)


The subject was the planning application listed below for Spruces, Cathanger Lane. Three persons spoke in support of the application, two being the owners of the property.



There were no apologies.



It was prop. LJ sec. NC that Cllr. J Jull be altered to Cllr. L Jull (error at min. 2272, Apologies). Resolved, carried unan. The alteration having been signed by the Chairman it was proposed MC sec. KB to accept the minutes of the meeting, previously circulated, held on the 7th July 2014.These were taken as a true recordof what took place and duly signed by the Chairman. Carried unan.



a) Friendly Society Banner. During the month the banner had been photographed by Mr Balmer. Clerk to write to the PCC and ask if they would be prepared to hang the banner in the church and if so what size would be acceptable. When the size was decided upon the Clerk would contact three already identified companies who make reproductions from photos and obtain quotes.

b) To consider registering the Parish Council on the social media network. It was unanimously decided not to proceed with this suggestion.  A Model Policy for Social Media sourced from SALC was put into circulation for interest.

c) Somerset Council Councillor’s Health and Wellbeing funding is available for a complying project via DY’s specific budget. DY expanded upon the information previously circulated via email. Councillors to give consideration during the month to suggesting a relevant project. Item for next agenda.

d) Condition of The Pound. KB stated concern at the deteriorating condition of the walls. A site meeting was arranged for 7.30pm prior to the next PC meeting on Sept. 1st. Clerk confirmed there is money held in reserves towards to cost of the project although she did not know the exact allocated sum.

e) Langford Corner. The ladies would undertake a tidy up at 11am on 12th August. The men would  action mechanical intervention in the autumn.



a)  From Fivehead Village Hall MC re receipt of grant for 2014-15 and confirmation of use. Noted.

b)  From ICO re confirmation of renewal of registration on data controller register ref. Z8043377. Noted.

c)  From David Heath MP re fracking. Into circulation.

d)  From Western Power re receipt of booklet “Preparing for a Power Cut or Emergency” and an example box of  useful kit. Noted. The Clerk to hold the kit on behalf of the parish however it was considered that it would not be of major use on a parish scale.

e)  From SALC re invitation to a Memorial Management Course on Thur. 4th Dec. at Gillingham Town Hall. Cost £160 +VAT. Declined.


2287. CONSULTATION DOCUMENTS response sought.

South Somerset DC’s Draft Housing Strategy Implementation Plan.www.surveymonkey.com/s/XCP93D8

The Clerk had taken a look but not completed. MC & KB might complete.



a) Playing Field.  KB reported.

d) Cemetery Sub Committee. KB to retain book. The bus shelter has been cleaned. MK said Mr Pettitt had included in his bill £10 for cutting the hedge to the rear of the shelter. It was prop. MC sec. KB that Council do not query this charge, although further cutting had to be done. This because his rates are so reasonable and MK had already queried with him the entry on the invoice. Carried unan.

e) Highways.  Clerk to ask Highways to repair the surface at the junction on Ganges Hill.

g) Police. Ian Ross is no longer our PSCO. We now have two, PCSO 7912 Elaine Cave and 6827 Malissa Thompson.



14/02962/S73A Spruces Cathanger Lane Fivehead. Application to remove condition 4 of planning approval 96540 (agricultural occupancy condition). MC had researched conditions which could assist the removal of an agricultural tie which he read out. Council had supported a previous unsuccessful application to remove the tie. Clerk to write stating the applicant had been in residence for nine years and had tried to remain in agricultural employment but circumstances had mitigated against it. There were no objections to the tie being lifted as there is no longer a need for a house with viable agricultural use in the vicinity.

14/02672/FUL Ashgate The Old Forge Fivehead. Replacement kennel, associated alteration works and extension to domestic curtilage. No objections.

14/03398/FUL Land OS 0001 Swell Wood Langport Road. Extension to existing car park to provide additional 8 parking spaces and a bike rack to serve nature reserve. Clerk to write stating objections on the following grounds. The size is out of proportion and is taking in too much of the woodland. There would be disturbance to wildlife. Councillors would not want to see the removal of any more mature trees. More people and more noise will drive the herons away. Who is going to police the car park when criminal acts have already taken place in the less secluded, existing car park? DY left the meeting.



This document, having been prepared from the NALC model baseby MC, KB and MK was circulated to all members during the month. It was prop. LJ sec. LH To adopt the Financial Regulations as presented. Resolved, carried unan.



An interim statement was scrutinised. A bank reconciliation was signed off by the Chairman.

a)      Payments authorised during the previous month:

i)    Mr M Pettitt                                  maint. June (arith. incorrect)             £316.12

b)     Payments authorised and instructed for signature at the meeting:

ii)   Mrs M Knox                                  salary                                                  £265.05

iii)  Mrs M Knox                                 expenses                                             £12.30

iv)  Mr M Cavill                                   refund re gift for internal auditor      £25

v)   Mr M Pettitt                                  maint. July                                          £319.74

c)      Income received during the month:

vi)  Hamar Fencing                             nl advert                                              £18

vii)  Sue Attwell                                   nl advert                                              £18

viii) Ilminster Chiropractice & Wellbeing       nl advert                            £18

ix)   The Dog House (Reardon)        nl advert                                              £8

x)    Nigel K Ford                                 re N Price decd.                                  £110


b) Clerk. A Mr Paul Minton, freelance author, is starting a project and he wishes to include writing about Fivehead. Rev. M Wilson had agreed and Mr K Male agreed to be contacted. MK to assist if necessary. Cllr. L Trahar (Ilton PC) wishes to give a presentation on Public Transport. It was agreed the September meeting could be temporarily closed at around 9pm if he wishes to attend before October.

c) Councillors. NC gave apologies for next month.  JW has obtained his strimming certificate which he asked the Clerk is to hold on file while he retains the small plastic I.D. card.

The meeting closed at 10pm

Chairman                    Dated